True Primal Articles

woman holding her head while working at a computer

Stress: Understanding its Impact on Mind and Body

Picture this: horns honking angrily in traffic, a smartphone buzzing with notifications... read more

Woman in the bottom of a split squat, both knees are bent to about 90 degrees.

Strength Training At Home

The benefits of strength training range from weight loss to improved mood, better sleep... read more

nutritive sweeteners including honey maple syrup and refined sugar

What are nutritive sweeteners?

Indulging in something sweet is a universal pleasure. Whether it's the smooth sweetness... read more

packets of sweeteners in a jar

Sugar Substitutes: What are the Healthiest Sweeteners?

Artificial sweeteners aren’t found in nature. They’re sweet-tasting chemicals, created by... read more

woman meditating on a hill top in a forest

Shinrin-Yoku: Forest Bathing For Health

With emerging technology, humans have been lured further and further from nature. In... read more


Honey: Did You Know?

Honey might be a pantry staple in many households, but it’s far from an ordinary food! In... read more

maple syrup

Maple Syrup: Did You Know?

Maple syrup is one of nature’s most distinctive sweeteners, with a complex flavor... read more

pastured grass fed cattle in a field

Animal Welfare and Regenerative Agriculture

Alignment of people with food and nutrition isn’t the only food system alignment we care... read more

what is AIP

What is the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)?

AIP stands for the Autoimmune Protocol — an elimination diet designed to help manage... read more

knee inflammation from acute injury or chronic stress

What is inflammation and how do we manage it?

Inflammation is a part of our body's natural immune response and is crucial to healing... read more

prepared avocado

What Is the Keto Diet, Really - And Should I Try It?

We've talked about the Paleo diet in a previous article , and thought it would be useful... read more

woman sleeping in bed hugging soft white pillow

Sleep: The Ultimate Recovery Tool

When it comes to wellness, sleep is a non-negotiable cornerstone: too little not only... read more

braised diced pork

Collagen: The Forgotten Superfood

For thousands of years, collagen-rich foods supported human health around the globe... read more

bowl of chili and kale salad

What is the Paleo diet, really – and should I try it?

By now, most people have heard of “the Paleo Diet”: it’s been a widely talked-about and... read more

woman lifting barbell on back

Why Everyone Should Be Lifting Heavy

In our quest to be healthy and strong, it’s easy to over-complicate the concept of... read more

bowls of prepared food and ingredients with salad and soup and chili

How to Increase Satiety (and Nutrient Density) in Your Meals

We all want to enjoy delicious, nourishing, and satisfying meals – there's nothing worse... read more

Ceylon cinnamon

What is Ceylon Cinnamon?

Most of us are familiar with the slightly sweet, warm, woody flavor of cinnamon—a spice... read more

baked bacon hanging from oven rack

Baking Bacon In The Oven: How To Collect Bacon Grease

You may have seen people recommend baking bacon flat on a rack of cookie sheet. However... read more