URL: https://trueprimal.com/ona/brownie-cookies UPC: 860006483524 SKU: 860006483524
What are people saying about us?
“Humankind has an ancient, genetically determined, deep-in-our-DNA desire for milk and cookies. I find the best way to do damage control on my personal M&C craving is with two—ok, if I’m being honest, six—of these bite sized goodies from True Primal,
washed down with a glass of cold whole raw milk. (Maybe that’s just me.) First of all, they’re delicious. Second of all, they’re filling. Third of all, they’re good for you, with not a single ‘bad’ ingredient. I love this company! Please send more cookies!”
— Jonny Bowden,
PhD CNS, board-certified nutritionist and best-selling author of
The Great Cholesterol Myth (with Stephen Sinatra, MD),
The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, and
Living Low Carb.
"What’s cool is this is a much more nutrient-dense ingredients list than your typical granola bar or oatmeal cookie.
I think instead of dessert, I’m feeling more like healthy afternoon snack vibes, little post workout treat, or a breakfast cookie.
I think they’re delicious! One of our daughters is also dairy-free, so it’s really important for our family to have gluten-free dairy-free options like this."
— Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD,
New York Times bestselling author Nutrivore
"Ona's cookies are soft, chewy, and deliciously satisfying, striking the perfect balance with a bright, subtle sweetness and impeccable texture for a gluten and grain-free cookie.
As a mom, I look for a short, wholesome ingredient list when feeding my family, and I feel great about adding these to lunchboxes for the kiddos or as an afternoon pick-me-up for myself with a cup of coffee.
I can't wait to see what flavors they come up with next!"
— Jen Kendall, Whole30 Approved manager
"These paleo-friendly Ona cookies are absolutely delicious!
They are packed with nutrient-dense and natural ingredients like almond flour and coconut oil, and I love that they don't have any additives or preservatives.
They offer a guilt-free option that satisfies your cravings but doesn't give you that sugar crash.
The texture is nice and soft without it all falling apart, and the flavors are spot on! You have to give these a try!"
— Jocelyn Brousseau, Certified Holistic Health Coach